Monday, July 13, 2015

Shoemaking & Boot Making

Everything You Ever Needed or Wanted to Know About Boot and Shoe Making on One DVD Disk!

On Sale Now! $9.99

A complete listing of the materials you'll receive on the disk!

A Manual of Shoemaking and Leather and Rubber Products 1912 - 298 pages
A Manual on Foot Care and Shoe Fitting for Officers of the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps 1920 - 134 pages
A Short Treatise on Boots and Shoes, Ancient and Modern 1884 - 33 pages
Boot and Shoe Recorder - The Magazine of Fashion Footwear Vol 80 1921 - 886 pages
Boot and Shoe Recorder - The Magazine of Fashion Footwear Vol 82 1922 - 868 pages
Catalogue of Life-Buoy Brand Rubber Footwear 1912 - 68 pages
Descriptions of Occupations Boots and Shoes 1918 - 68 pages
Designing, Cutting and Grading Boot and Shoe Patterns 1899 -146 pages
Directory of Trade Names and Brands of Shoes 1915 - 28 pages
Dress and Care of the Feet 1871- 208 pages
Effects of Glucose and Salts on the Wearing Quality of Sole Leather 1919 - 42 pages
Facts Worth Knowing about Leather Boots and Shoes 1872 - 18 pages
Famous Queen Quality Shoe for Women 1900 - 34 pages
From the Forest to the Foot 1893 - 33 pages
Home Book to Learn Expert Shoe Repairing - 39 pages
How to Bottom a Welted Shoe by Hand 1912 - 64 pages
How to Make a Shoe 1882 - 117 pages
How to Manage a Retail Shoe Store 1888 - 209 pages
How to Repair Shoes 1912 - 74 pages
Hygiene of the Boot and Shoe Industry in Massachusetts 1912 - 89 pages
Illustrated Price List - Sporting Shoes 1885 - 28 pages
Illustrated Rubber Catalogue - Dealers in Boots & Shoes 1900 - 19 pages
King Cotton - Common Sense Thoughts on the Following Subjects 1884 - 144 pages
Lives of Distinguished Shoemakers 1849 - 341 pages
Lives of Illustrious Shoemakers 1882 - 299 pages
Notes on the Purchase, Manufacture, and Inspection of United States Army Shoes and Shoe Lasts 1921 - 108 pages
Recollections of Sixty Years in the Shoe Trade 1916 - 212 pages
Shoe and Leather Encyclopedia 1911 - 130 pages
Shoe Making, Old and New 1911 - 88 pages
Shoes and Shoemaking Illustrated 1897 - 123 pages
The Art and Mystery of the Gentle Craft - An Essay on Boot and Shoe Making 1834 - 58 pages
The Book of the Feet - A History of Boots and Shoes 1847 - 162 pages
The Boot and Shoe Industry in Massachusetts as a Vocation for Women 1915 - 110 pages
The Boot and Shoe-Maker's Assistant 1853 - 224 pages
The Finishers' Manual 1891 - 40 pages
The Manufacture of Boots and Shoes 1902 - 319 pages
The Romance of the Shoe - Being the History of Shoemaking in All Ages 1922 - 393 pages
The Shoe Industry 1916 - 327 pages
The Shoe Workers' Journal Vol 13 1912 - 137 pages
The Shoe Workers' Journal Vol 17-18 1916 - 816 pages
The Shoe Workers' Journal Vol 19-20 1918 - 644 pages
The Shoe workers' journal Vol 21-22 1920 - 395 pages
The Shoe workers' Journal Vol 6 - 546 pages
The Shoe Workers' Journal Vol 8 1907 - 449 pages
The Shoe Workers' Journal Vol 9 1908 - 513 pages
The Soldier's Foot and the Military Shoe 1917 - 154 pages
The Soldiers' Manual of Foot Care and Foot Wear 1916 - 65 pages
Why the Shoe Pinches a Contribution to Applied Anatomy 1861 - 52 pages

That's over 10,352 pages of information!

On Sale Now! $9.99

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